Here are some fabric options to drool over:

And you will find so much more at Laken & Lila! The winner of this giveaway is going to win one of their cute skirts's winner's choice! How cool is that?
There are 4 chances to win. Be sure and leave separate comments for each entry on this posting to enter. **If you qualify for all 4 chances then leave 4 separate comments**
Entry #1: Leave your name or email address in a comment.
Comment example, Dandy Smith
Entry #2: Become a follower of the Dandy Giveaway blog in the sidebar.
Comment example, Dandy Smith= blog follower
Entry #3: Change your Facebook status to mention Dandy Giveaway. Be sure and include the link!
Comment example, Dandy Smith=facebook status
Entry #4: Visit Laken and Lila, look at all their items, and leave a comment with your favorite. Comment example, Dandy Smith=Birdie Applique long sleeved
mandee wheelus
mandee wheelus: follower
mandee wheelus: i love all the skirts! i can't decide which fabric just yet.....
Tricia Little: Facebook
Tricia Little: Pears and Polkadots! I heart!!
Nichole Seiler: the butterfly and flower scroll skirt is cute
Nichole SEiler: blog follower
Jennifer STewart
Emily Miller-
Emily Miller- follower
Emily Miller- I love the fall apple & the lemon skirt!
Amanda Stephens=Blog follower
Amanda Stephens=Facebook status
Amanda Stephens= i would love to get the floral dot and striped dress for my daughter!
Kristi Stroud: follower
Nikki Kelly
Nikki Kelly- I love the Owl and fall leaves skirt, and the pears !
Sheri Easton: I love the smocked sundress! So cute!
Misty Lambert: follower
Misty Lambert: any twirly skirt will do, thank-you! = nautical stripe beach skirt
Alida Bowles : Follower
Alida Bowles: I love the Kelly Green skirt!!
Liz Anson Blog follower
Liz Anson Blog follower
Liz Anson: I love all of the little skirts! They are too cute and I know Rachel would LOVE them even more :)
Stephanie Blad
kristi yeager - boys birdie outfit
Stephanie Blad: follower
Stephanie Blad: love the matching skirt and shirts. to die for
Kristyn Mekal
Kristyn Mekal = blog follower
Kristyn loves the brown ribbon floral smocked dress
Paula Shimmel
I follow.
Love the Birdie Outfit, what cute clothes.
Rea Atwood
Rea Atwood: Follower
Sarah Taylor
Carrie Roberts
shayne ostrowski
shayne ostrowski- follower
shayne ostrowski: love the apple and lemon skirt
Kim Brooks - follower
Kim Brooks - love the Patchwork Twirl Skirt!
Kim Brooks - facebook status!
amy pugmire: i love the Fall Twirl Skirt.....Amy Butler Lacework fabric in Brown, Lotus collection
Carrie Roberts-blog follower
Grace Hiscox
Grace Hiscox: Blog Follower
Grace Hiscox: Facebook Status
Grace Hiscox: Green Floral and Polka Dots Dress
David Hiscox
David Hiscox: Blog Follower
David Hiscox: Facebook status
David Hiscox: Green Floral and Polka Dots Dress
Emily Wood
Emily Wood: Facebook Status
Emily Wood: Green Floral and Polka Dots Dress
Beth Cabrera: follower
Tiffany Angus
Tiffany Angus = follower
Alina Noot
I love the Fall Twirl Skirt made with Alexander Henry's Mocha Fabric.
Alina Noot
Piper Marquette
Piper Marquette Follower
Piper Marquette- Patchwork Skirt
Dani Henrie
Carrie Roberts-I love the Amy Butler brown fall twirl skirt--too cute!
Beth Ervie - erviefamily(at)gmail(dot)com
Beth Ervie = follower! :)
Sarita Rogers
Sarita Rogers = blog follower
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