Are you still looking for the perfect holiday wreath to adorn your front door? After all, this IS a big deal! It's the first impression your guests take a gander at when arriving on your porch. Well, one lucky winner is going to be receiving this extravagant Candy Cane Christmas Wreath. What a prize!!!! This wreath is from the shop Sunny Dayz5. So many more decorations for the holidays can also be found in the Christmas section of the shop!

And more holiday decor!

There are 4 chances to win the Candy Cane Wreath. Be sure and leave separate comments for each entry on this posting to enter. **If you qualify for all 4 chances then leave 4 separate comments**
Entry #1: Leave your name or email address in a comment.
Comment example, Dandy Smith
Entry #2: Become a follower of Holly's blog or if you are already a follower.
Comment example, Dandy Smith= The Wonderful World of Holly Stock blog follower
Entry #3: Change your status on Facebook to tell your buddies about the holiday feature on Dandy Giveaway. Be sure to include the link so they can enter to win, too!
Comment example, Dandy Smith=facebook status
Entry #4: Tell us something that you are thankful for.
Comment example, Dandy Smith=I'm thankful for so many things this Thanksgiving...it has been a rough year! It has been a reminder to me that I'm most thankful for my family, because every minute spent with them are precious moments.
This giveaway will end tonight (11/26) at 11:30pm EST. Be sure and check back tomorrow to see if you won!
mandee wheelus
mandee wheelus: this year -among A TON of other things- i am thankful for good health!
kristi yeager
kristi yeager, I'm thankful for my beautiful 2 yr old son!
Piper Marquette
Piper Marquette I am thankful for the health and safety of my family and that any trials we have are merely little bumps in the road.
Sheri Easton
Sheri Easton: holly stock blog follower
Sheri Easton: I'm thankful for a healthy baby.
Crissa Robertson
Crissa Robertson--I am think for a great husband, good health, and a happy life.
Aubree Larsen
Aubree Larsen- facebook status
Aubree Larsen- I am thankful that my husband (who is in the construction industry) continues to have work almost every day!
Leslie Gosney
mattles22 at yahoo dot com
Leslie Gosney: I am thankful for my family!! They are the BEST!!
Chantele Cross
Amy Pugmire
Amy Pugmire: I follow hollys blog.
Amy Pugmire: I am so thankful for my family especially my daughter she is my life!
Charlyn Heitritter
Charlyn Heitritter - Holly Stock blog follower
Charlyn Heitritter - This year I am thankful for a happy and healthy newborn son
Alida Bowles - I am so very thankful for my wonderful husband and 5 beautiful children.
Alida Bowles - Following Holly's blog :)
Jill Hunt
Jill Hunt
I am so Thankful for a healthy family!
Sarah = I am thankful for my family!
Charity Mouck - holly blog follower
Charity Mouck - I am thankful that my family is here and we get to spend the holiday weekend together!
sarah mann
sarah mann-the wonderful world of hollystock blog follower
sarah mann-i am thankful for my wonderful children.
sarah mann-facebook status
Crystal Faulkner
Crystal Faulkner--I'm very thankful for my family. I was telling my daughter last night that Santa may not be able to bring her everything on her list because even he has to buy things and money is tight. She was totally ok with that and understands that others need gifts too. My girls are awesome. Thanks again!
Sandra Taylor
Sandra Taylor - I'm thankful for help making Thanksgiving dinner.
Ann smith
Ann Smith - I am thankful for my family and that they are healthy and well this year!
Yvonne Rodabough
Yvonne Roadbough= Wonderful World of Holly Stock blog follower!
Yvonne Rodabough= Facebook status.
Yvonne Rodabough= I am so thankful for being able to share Thanksgiving with my family! And also for the up coming Christmas season!
Sarita Rogers
Sarita Rogers = I am thankful for a husband you loves us enough to be away from us at Thanksgiving to go through Basic Training for the Army. We are very proud of him and thankful for his hard work.
Nola Bird
Nola Bird: I have a huge list I made today of what I am thankful for, but my family and faith definitely top the list!
Kim Brooks
Kim Brooks - blog follower
Kim Brooks - Facebook status
Kim Brooks - I'm most thankful for my husband and daughter.. we have a wonderful home together.
Amber Phillips (i LOVE this wreath!!)
Amber Phillips: Holly blog follower
Amber Phillips: I am thankful for my 14 month old son who give so much mean meaning to my life! ΓΌ
katie taylor
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