At Picaboo I recently created another photo book of our trip earlier this year to Disney World. I was able to decide on the number of pages and placement of pictures on each page.
Also, I picked out this fabulous looking red croc leather cover!
The application to start creating on Picaboo is so easy to install and use.
With Picaboo you can create simply great looking photo books and is scrapbooking is made easy!
This is a great giveaway, because the winner is going to receive a $50 gift certificate to use at Picaboo!
***This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada only***
There are 5 chances to win. Be sure and leave separate comments for each entry on this posting to enter. **If you qualify for all 5 chances then leave 5 separate comments**
Entry #1: Leave your name, email address, or whatever you feel most comfortable leaving in a comment.
Comment example, Dandy Smith
Entry #2: Become a follower of the Dandy Giveaway blog or if you already follow.
Comment example, Dandy Smith= dandy blog follower
Entry #3: Tell people about this great giveaway and then tell us how you told.
Comment example, Dandy Smith= emailed, called, texted
Entry #4: Like Picaboo on Facebook or if you already do.
Comment example, Dandy Smith= like
Entry #5: Follow Dandy Giveaway on Twitter or if you already follow there.
Comment example, Dandy Smith= twitter
This giveaway will be open for entries the entire week and end on Sunday, July 4th at 11:30pm EST. Be sure and check back on Monday, July 5th to see if you won, so you can claim your prize!
Carla Gutke
Carla Gutke = follower
onlyjustine at yahoo dot com
Mandi Cooper
Mandi Cooper, blog follower
Heather S.
Heather S. - follow your blog!
Camille Millar
Camille Millar = dandy blog follower
Camille Millar = like
Angela P.
Angela P. - follower
Heather Lynne
Rashelle Rieckmann
Rashelle Rieckmann: Dandy Blog Follower
Rashelle Rieckmann: I emailed my 4 sisters about this giveaway!
Rashelle Rieckmann: Like
Deanne W
Deanne W. - I follow this blog, baby!
Susan Spiers - I am a Dandy blog follower!
Susan Spiers - I am a Dandy Giveaway follower on Twitter!
Stacey @
Stacey @ is a follower.
Laura Dassance
Laura Dassance= follower
Laura Dassance-like on FB
Laura Dassance-just texted my best friend about this contest too
Allyson Jensen
Allyson Jensen - dandy blog follower
Jana Millershaski
Nichole Seiler
Nichole Seiler: follow
Vicky- dandy blog follower on friend connect!
Lindsay Call- follower
Lindsay CAll- emailed sister in laws
Jennifer H- blog follower
Jennifer H- I emailed my sister about this
Edith D.
Edith D. :I am a dandy follower.
amy pugmire
amy pugmire: like
amy pugmire: twitter.
kim taylor
melissa tilley
melissa blog follower
melissa i told my mom and my sister i told them both via phone
Christa, blog follower
Raelyn Anderson - dandy blog follower
Raelyn Anderson - emailed and texted
Heather Allen
Heather Allen - blog follower
Heather Allen - texted and e-mailed friends
Heather Allen - Like on FB
Heather Allen - Twitter Follower
Sarah D. Butcher - Photography FOLLOWER!!
Ann Smith
Ann Smith - follower
Ann Smith - twitter
Hayley hayley22478 at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower! :)
hayley22478 at yahoo dot com
Cheryl Miller = like
Cheryl Miller
cheryl at srellim dot org
Sarah Allred
Sarah ALlred = blog follower
Sarah Allred = told family
Megan B
Megan B=blog follower
Megan B.= told family
flgirl1987 AT yahoo DOT com
flgirl1987 AT yahoo DOT com
flgirl1987 = blog follower
Anne Molino
Anne Molino blog follower
Anne Molino like
Anne Molino twitter
April V - blog follower
April V - emailed 3 friends
April V - follow via Twitter
Emilee K.
Emilee K. Blog Follower.
jengd= dandy blog follower
M.Dargis=Dandy Follower
M.Dargis=Tell about= I will paste your button on my blog!
M.Dargis=Follow=and may I add: you are a clever blogger!
Jen Kindrick
Jen Kindrick - Dandy blog follower
Jen Kindrick - twitter
Jen Kindrick - like
Jennifer Nichole Johnson
Jennifer Nichole Johnson- dandy blog follower
lacey loves these!
Sandra Taylor - blog follower
Anne Jolly
Anne Jolly - follower
Anne Jolly - FB fan of Picaboo
Anne Jolly - follow you on twitter, lunaj1456
Erin Rellinger
Katie Taylor
Katie Taylor-follower
traci s
traci s - follower
traci s-sent texts & emails
traci s- now like picaboo on facebook
traci s- twitter
Katrina Southwick
Katrina Southwick
blog follower
Katrina Southwick
txt my sisters
Katrina Southwick
Like picaboo
Huguette English
This would be terrific to win.
Huguette English = dandy blog follower
Noelle D.
Noelle D.
Facebook liker
Hi. This looks like a great way to save your photos. My name is Lucinda Nelson and here's my email address:
dftrew(at)gmail(dot)com = blog follower
Huguette English = twitter (@henglish)
Huguette English = like
Susan Spiers
Susan Spiers - I am a Dandy blog follower!
Susan Spiers - I am a Dandy Giveaway follower on Twitter!
Kati Spencer
Kati Spencer: dandy blog follower
I would LOVE to win this!
I am a google follower!
Beth Willis-
Beth Willis- dandy blog follower
Beth Willis- like Picaboo on FB
Beth Willis- twitter
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